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Hands-On Artificial Intelligence with Unreal Engine
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Section 1: The Unreal Framework
Making the First Steps in the World of AI
Before starting...
Installing and preparing the software
Unreal Engine
Visual Studio
Becoming an AI Game Developer
What it means to be an AI Game Developer
AI in the game development process
A bit of history
What is AI?
A glance into the past
AI in games
AI in games – Industry and Academia
Planning our journey
Technical terminology
The bottom-up approach
The agent schema
Unreal Engine AI Framework
A sketch of our journey
Decision-making with Behavior Trees (chapters 2 6 8 9 and 10)
Navigation (chapters 3 and 7)
Environment Query System (chapters 4 and 12)
Agent Awareness (chapters 5 and 12)
Crowds (chapter 7)
Designing Behavior Trees (chapters 8 9 and 10)
Debugging methods for Game AI (chapters 11 12 and 13)
Going beyond (chapter 14)
Enabling AI for C++ users
Behavior Trees and Blackboards
How Behavior Trees work
The structure of a Mathematical Tree
Behavior Tree components
Blackboards and their integration with Behavior Trees
Creating our AI project
Starting Behavior Trees from AI Controllers
Creating the Behavior Tree and the Blackboard
Creating the Blackboard
Creating the Behavior Tree
The AI Controller to run a Behavior Tree
AI Controller in Blueprint
AI Controller in C++
What to expect from a Navigation System
Unreal Navigation System
Generating the Navigation Mesh
Setting parameters for the Nav Mesh
Display settings
Generation settings
Project Settings
Settings on the Character Movement Component
Modifying the Navigation Mesh
Nav Modifier Volume
Nav Mesh Areas
Creating a NavArea class in Blueprint
Creating a NavArea class in C++
Nav Link Proxy
Creating a Nav Link Proxy
Simple Links and Smart Links
Both Simple and Smart Links
Simple Links
Smart Links
Other settings of the Nav Link Proxy
Extending the Nav Link Proxy
Navigation Avoidance
Navigation Filtering
Creating a Navigation Filter in Blueprint
Creating a Navigation Filter in C++
Overriding the Navigation System
Environment Querying System