d'Aiguillon is smarting from his severe contest with the long robes, to elevate him over the head of my hitherto-esteemed minister."M. de Maupeou and myself perceived that we should best serve my friend's cause by refraining from pressing the matter further, and we therefore changed the conversation. Nevertheless, as what had already passed had taken its full effect upon the king's mind, he suggested an idea which I should never have dreamed of recommending;and that was to consult the abbe de la Ville on the subject.
The abbe de la Ville, head clerk of foreign affairs, was a man who, at the advanced period of fourscore, preserved all the fire and vivacity of youth; he was acquainted with ministerial affairs even better than M. de Choiseul himself. Having formerly belonged to the Jesuits, to whom he was entirely devoted, he had appeared to accelerate the period of their destruction; never had he been able to pardon his patron the frightful part he had compelled him to enact in the business. Years had not weakened his ancient rancour, and it might be said, that he had clung to life with more than natural pertinacity, as unwilling to lay it down till he had avenged himself on de Choiseul. Louis XV wrote to him, desiring he would avail himself of the first pretext that occurred to request an audience. This note was forwarded by a footman, the good abbe easily divined that this mystery concealed some great design; he therefore hastened to solicit an audience as desired. When introduced into the cabinet of the king, his majesty inquired at once,"Monsieur l' abbe, can I depend upon your discretion?""Sire," replied the abbe, with a blunt frankness, "I am sorry your majesty can doubt it.""Be satisfied, sir," replied the king, "I had no intention to offend you; but I wish to consult you upon a point, the importance of which you will fully appreciate; answer me without disguise.
Do you believe that the services of the duc de Choiseul are useful to my kingdom, and that my interests would suffer were Ito dismiss him?"
"Sire," replied M. de la Ville, without hesitation, "I protest to you, as a man of honour, that the presence of the duc de Choiseul is by no means essential to the ministry, and that your majesty's interests would sustain not the slightest injury by his absence."After this the abbe de la Ville entered into particulars unnecessary to repeat here; it is sufficient to say, that all he advanced materially aided our wishes. He afterwards reaped the reward of his friendly services, for when the duc d'Aiguillon had displaced the duc de Choiseul, he bestowed on M. de la Ville the title of , an office created for him, and the bishopric of Tricomie. The good abbe did not, however, long enjoy his honours, but ended his career in 1774.
This conversation had been repeated to me; and, on my side, Ileft no means untried of preventing Louis XV from placing further confidence in his minister; but, feeble and timid, he knew not on what to determine, contenting himself with treating the duke coolly; he sought, by continual rebuffs and denials to his slightest request, to compel him to demand that dismissal he had not the courage to give.
Whilst these things were in agitation, madame de Mirepoix, who had been for some days absent from Versailles, came to call upon me. This lady possessed a considerable share of wit; and, although on the most intimate terms with me, had not altogether broken off with the des Choiseuls, to whom she was further bound on account of the prince de Beauvau, her brother. It therefore excited in me no surprise, when I heard that the des Choiseuls had called on her to ascertain, whether it would not be possible, through her mediation, to come to some terms with me.
"And you must not be angry with me," continued she, "for undertaking the ; I well foresaw all the difficulties, and entertained no hopes of its success, but upon second thoughts, I considered it better I should accept the mission; for, in case of a negative being returned, it will be safe in my keeping, and I will not add to the chagrin of a failure the shame of a defeat.""It is my opinion," replied I, "that all propositions coming from these people should be rejected; they have compelled me to raise between them and myself an immense wall of hatred, not less difficult to surmount than the grand wall of China.""Yet," replied the marechale, smiling, "they are disposed to pay any price for so doing.""I have friends," said I, "from whom I can never separate myself.""They are willing that your friends shall be theirs likewise,"cried she, "for they see that M. de Maupeou, the duc de la Vrilliere, and the abbe Terray, are provided for, and that the duc d'Aiguillon alone remains to be suitably established; M. de Choiseul would be happy to aid him in obtaining the post of minister of naval affairs.""Well, and the duchesse de Grammont," inquired I, "would she visit me?""Oh, as to that, I know nothing about it, and can venture no opinion; my commission does not extend so far.""I understand you," said I; "she seeks for peace only as it would enable her the better to carry on her hostilities against me. I am sorry, madame la marechale, that I cannot accept your terms for a reconciliation.""Remember, I pray of you, that I have been an ambassadress, and nothing more," said madame de Mirepoix; "recollect I have spoken to you in the words of others, not my own. I must beg of you to be secret; if you divulge the particulars of this morning's conversation, it is I who will suffer by it: your friends will be displeased with me for my interference; and I have no inclination to provoke the anger of a party so powerful as yours."I promised the marechale to observe an inviolable secrecy; and, so well have I kept my promise, that you are the first person to whom I ever breathed one syllable of the affair. I must own, that it struck me as strange, that the duc de Choiseul should abandon his cousin, and consent to take his seat beside the duc d'Aiguillon, whom he detested: perhaps he only sought to deceive us all by gaining time, till the death of the king. But what avails speculation upon the words and actions of a courtier, whose heart is an abyss too deep for gleam of light to penetrate?