As the last glimpse of moonlight and of Hubert's bright face vanished, Leoline took to pacing up and down the room in a most conflicting and excited state of mind.So many things had happened during the past night; so rapid and unprecedented had been the course of events; so changed had her whole life become within the last twelve hours, that when she came to think it all over, it fairly made her giddy.Dressing for her bridal; the terrible announcement of Prudence; the death-like swoon; the awakening at the plague-pit; the maniac flight through the streets; the cold plunge in the river; her rescue; her interview with Sir Norman, and her promise; the visit of La Masque; the appearance of the count; her abduction; her journey here; the coming of Hubert, and their suddenly-discovered relationship.It was enough to stun any one; and the end was not yet.Would Hubert effect his escape? Would they be able to free her? What place was this, and who was Count L'Estrange? It was a great deal easier to propound this catechism to herself than to find answers to her own questions; and so she walked up and down, worrying her pretty little head with all sorts of anxieties, until it was a perfect miracle that softening of the brain did not ensue.
Her feet gave out sooner than her brain, though; and she got so tired before long, that she dropped into a seat, with a long-drawn, anxious sigh; and, worn out with fatigue and watching, she, at last, fell asleep.
And sleeping, she dreamed.It seemed to her that the count and Sir Norman were before her, in her chamber in the old house on London Bridge, tossing her heart between them like a sort of shuttlecock.By-and-by, with two things like two drumsticks, they began hammering away at the poor, little, fluttering heart, as if it were an anvil and they were a pair of blacksmiths, while the loud knocks upon it resounded through the room.For a time, she was so bewildered that she could not comprehend what it meant; but, at last, she became conscious that some one was rapping at the door.Pressing one hand over her startled heart, she called "Come in!" and the door opened and George entered.
"Count L'Estrange commands me to inform you, fair lady, that he will do himself the pleasure of visiting you immediately, with Sir Norman Kingsley, if you are prepared to receive them.""With Sir Norman Kingsley!" repeated Leoline, faintly."I-I am afraid I do not quite understand.""Then you will not be much longer in that deplorable state," said George, backing out, "for here they are.""Pardon this intrusion, fairest Leoline," began the count, "but Sir Norman and I are about to start on a journey, and before we go, there is a little difference of opinion between us that you are to settle."Leoline looked first at one, and then at the other, utterly bewildered.
"What is it?" she asked.
"A simple matter enough.Last evening, if you recollect, you were my promised bride.""It was against my will," said Leoline, boldly, though her voice shook, "You and Prudence made me.""Nay, Leoline, you wrong me.I, at least, need no compulsion.""You know better.You haunted me continually; you gave me no peace at all; and I world just have married you to get rid of you.""And you never loved me?"
"I never did."
"A frank confession! Did you, then, love any one else?"The dark eyes fell, and the roseate glow again tinged the pearly face.
"Mute!" said the count, with an almost imperceptible smile.
"Look up, Leoline, and speak."
But Leoline would do neither.With all her momentary daring gone, she stood startled as a wild gazelle.
"Shall I answer for her, Sir Count?" exclaimed Sir Norman, his own cheek dashed."Leoline! Leoline! you love me!"Leoline was silent;
"You are to decide between us, Leoline.Though the count forcibly brought you here, he has been generous enough to grant this.Say, then, which of as you love best.""I do not love him at all," aid Leoline, with s little disdain, "and he knows it.""Then it is I!" said Sir Norman, him whole lace beaming with delight.
"It is you!"
Leoline held out both hands to the loved one, and nestled close to his side, like a child would to its protector.
"Fairly rejected!" said the count, with a pacing shade of mortification on his brow; "and, my word being pledged, I most submit.But, beautiful Leoline, you have yet to learn whom you have discarded."Clinging to her lover's arm, the girl grew white with undefined apprehension.Leisurely, the count removed false wig, false eyebrows, false heard; and a face well known to Leoline, from pictures and description, turned full upon her.
"Sire!" she cried, in terror, calling on her knees with clasped hands.
"Nay; rise, fair Leoline," said the king, holding out his hand to assist her."It is my place to kneel to one so lovely instead of having her kneel to me.Think again.Will you reject the king as you did the count?""Pardon, your majesty!", said Leoline, scarcely daring to look up; "but I must!""So be it! You are a perfect miracle of troth and constancy, and I think I can afford to be generous for once.In fifteen minutes, we start for Oxford, and you must accompany us as Lady Kingsley.A tiring woman will wait upon you to robe you for your bridal.We will leave you now, and let me enjoin expedition."And while she still stood too much astonished by the sudden proposal to answer, both were gone, and in their place stood a smiling lady's maid, with a cloud of gossamer white in her arms.
"Are those for me?" inquired Leoline, looking at them, and trying to comprehend that it was all real.