The bust and the waist are also points on which the dressmaker should be consulted.Nothing should be done in a hurry.What is the fashion going to be for the next two or three seasons?There are styles demanding that beginning at the neck you should curve out,like a pouter pigeon.There is apparently no difficulty whatever in obtaining this result.But if crinolines,for instance,are likely to come in again!The lady has only to imagine it for herself:the effect might be grotesque,suggestive of a walking hour-glass.So,too,with the waist.For some fashions it is better to have it just a foot from the neck.At other times it is more useful lower down.
The lady will kindly think over these details and let the professor know.While one is about it,one may as well make a sound job.
It is all so simple,and,when you come to think of it,really not expensive.Age,apparently,makes no difference.A woman is as old as she looks.In future,I take it,there will be no ladies over five-and-twenty.Wrinkles!Why any lady should still persist in wearing them is a mystery to me.With a moderate amount of care any middle-class woman could save enough out of the housekeeping money in a month to get rid of every one of them.Grey hair!Well,of course,if you cling to grey hair,there is no more to be said.But to ladies who would just as soon have rich wavy-brown or a delicate shade of gold,I would point out that there are one hundred and forty-seven inexpensive lotions on the market,any one of which,rubbed gently into the head with a tooth-brush (not too hard)just before going to bed will,to use a colloquialism,do the trick.
Are you too stout,or are you too thin?All you have to do is to say which,and enclose stamps.But do not make a mistake and send for the wrong recipe.If you are already too thin,you might in consequence suddenly disappear before you found out your mistake.
One very stout lady I knew worked at herself for eighteen months and got stouter every day.This discouraged her so much that she gave up trying.No doubt she had made a muddle and had sent for the wrong bottle,but she would not listen to further advice.She said she was tired of the whole thing.
In future years there will be no need for a young man to look about him for a wife;he will take the nearest girl,tell her his ideal,and,if she really care for him,she will go to the shop and have herself fixed up to his pattern.In certain Eastern countries,Ibelieve,something of this kind is done.A gentleman desirous of adding to his family sends round the neighbourhood the weight and size of his favourite wife,hinting that if another can be found of the same proportions,there is room for her.Fathers walk round among their daughters,choose the most likely specimen,and have her fattened up.That is their brutal Eastern way.Out West we shall be more delicate.Match-making mothers will probably revive the old confession book.Eligible bachelors will be invited to fill in a page:"Your favourite height in women,""Your favourite measurement round the waist,""Do you like brunettes or blondes?"The choice will be left to the girls.
"I do think Henry William just too sweet for words,"the maiden of the future will murmur to herself.Gently,coyly,she will draw from him his ideal of what a woman should be.In from six months to a year she will burst upon him,the perfect She;height,size,weight,right to a T.He will clasp her in his arms.
"At last,"he will cry,"I have found her,the woman of my dreams."And if he does not change his mind,and the bottles do not begin to lose their effect,there will be every chance that they will be happy ever afterwards.
Might not Science go even further?Why rest satisfied with making a world of merely beautiful women?Cannot Science,while she is about it,make them all good at the same time.I do not apologise for the suggestion.I used to think all women beautiful and good.It is their own papers that have disillusioned me.I used to look at this lady or at that--shyly,when nobody seemed to be noticing me--and think how fair she was,how stately.Now I only wonder who is her chemist.
They used to tell me,when I was a little boy,that girls were made of sugar and spice.I know better now.I have read the recipes in the Answers to Correspondents.
When I was quite a young man I used to sit in dark corners and listen,with swelling heart,while people at the piano told me where little girl babies got their wonderful eyes from,of the things they did to them in heaven that gave them dimples.Ah me!I wish now Ihad never come across those ladies'papers.I know the stuff that causes those bewitching eyes.I know the shop where they make those dimples;I have passed it and looked in.I thought they were produced by angels'kisses,but there was not an angel about the place,that I could see.Perhaps I have also been deceived as regards their goodness.Maybe all women are not so perfect as in the popular short story they appear to be.That is why I suggest that Science should proceed still further,and make them all as beautiful in mind as she is now able to make them in body.May we not live to see in the advertisement columns of the ladies'paper of the future the portrait of a young girl sulking in a corner--"Before taking the lotion!"The same girl dancing among her little brothers and sisters,shedding sunlight through the home--"After the three first bottles!"May we not have the Caudle Mixture:One tablespoonful at bed-time guaranteed to make the lady murmur,"Good-night,dear;hope you'll sleep well,"and at once to fall asleep,her lips parted in a smile?Maybe some specialist of the future will advertise Mind Massage:"Warranted to remove from the most obstinate subject all traces of hatred,envy,and malice."And,when Science has done everything possible for women,there might be no harm in her turning her attention to us men.Her idea at present seems to be that we men are too beautiful,physically and morally,to need improvement.Personally,there are one or two points about which I should like to consult her.