Word List 2


allay [əˈleɪ]
v.减轻,缓和(to relieve)
记 联想记忆:al(看作all全都) + lay(放置) →负担都放下了→减轻,缓和
例 The appointment of Forrestal as First Secretary of Defense allayed the suspicions of naval officers.
allege [əˈledʒ]
v.断言,宣称(to assert without proof or before proving)
记 词根记忆:al(加强) + leg(指定,任命) + e →大声任命→宣称
例 The company alleged that the employee tampered with the computer system.
派 allegation(n.宣称;指控); alleged(a.声称的,所谓的); allegedly(ad.依其申述)
allegiance [əˈliːdʒəns]
n.忠诚,拥护(loyalty, faithfulness)
记 联想记忆:al + leg(法律) + iance →靠近法律→拥护
例 Most historians have underestimated the extent of women's political allegiance in the antebellum(战前的)period.
派 allegiant(a.忠心的,忠实的)
allergic [əˈlɜːrdʒɪk]
a.过敏的(of allergy);对…讨厌的(averse or disinclined)
记 联想记忆:aller(看作alert警报) + gic →皮肤出现警报→过敏的
例 Not all forms of sulfite are equally likely to produce the allergic reactions.
allergy [ˈælərdʒi]
n.过敏症(an unfavorable reaction to certain foods, pollens, insect bites, etc.)
记 词根记忆:all(其他) + erg(起作用,工作) + y →起其他作用→过敏症
派 allergic(a.过敏的)
alleviate [əˈliːvieɪt]
v.减轻,缓和(to allay)
记 词根记忆:al + lev(轻) + iate →减轻
例 The mayor claims that the fee will alleviate the city's traffic congestion.
alliance [əˈlaɪəns]
n.联盟(an association to further the common interests of the members);联合(the state of being allied)
记 来自ally(v.联合,联盟)
例 The resulting cooperative alliance of independent agencies now comprise 32 partners spanning 37 countries.
alligator [ˈælɪgeɪtər]
n.短吻鳄(产于美洲的一种鳄鱼)(a reptile of the crocodile family)
例 Alligators prey heavily on a species of freshwater fish.
allocate [ˈæləkeɪt]
v.分配(to distribute);分派(to designate)
记 词根记忆:al(加强) + loc(地方) + ate(做) →不断把东西发送到各地→分配
例 They seek to allocate capital in ways that may reduce their tax burden.
派 allocation(n.配给,分配)
allotment [əˈlɑːtmənt]
n.分配(apportionment);分配物(something that is allotted);养家费(money that be used to support a family)
记 来自allot(v.分配)
例 To meet the rapidly rising market demand for fish and seafood, suppliers are growing fish twice as fast as they grow naturally, cutting their feed allotment by nearly half and raising them on special diets.
allowance [əˈlaʊəns]
记 来自allow(v.允许),允许拿到的或省下的钱→津贴,补助费
例 financial allowances财政津贴
allude [əˈluːd]
v. (to)间接提到,暗指(to make indirect reference)
记 词根记忆:al + lud(嬉笑) + e →在嬉笑中说→间接提到
例 The author alludes to the well-established nature of the concept of individual rights in the Anglo-Saxon tradition.
派 allusive(a.暗指的,影射)
同根词:ludicrous(a.可笑的,滑稽的); elude(v.躲避)
alluvial [əˈluːviəl]
a.冲积的,淤积的(made of sand, earth left by rivers or floods, esp. in a delta)
例 alluvial gold冲积金矿
ally [əˈlaɪ] v. (使)结盟(to unite) [ˈælaɪ] n.同盟者,同盟国(person, country, that joined with another in order to give help and support)
例 During World War II, Great Britain allied with the United States.
派 alliance(n.结盟,联盟)
alpha [ˈælfə]
n.希腊语字母表的第一个字母(A, α)
记 发音记忆
alter [ˈɔːltər]
v.改变,变更(to change)
记 本身为词根:改变
例 The period of an organism's biological clock can be altered by environmental factors.
派 alteration(n.改变,变更); alternative(a.二者择一的)
alternate [ˈɔːltərnət] a.交替的,更迭的((of two things) happening or following one after the other regularly) [ˈɔːltərneɪt] v.交替,轮流(to cause to occur by turns)
记 词根记忆:alter(其他) + nate →可以有其他的→交替的
例 To maintain the nutrients in the soil, corn and soybeans are often planted in a field in alternate years.
alternative [ɔːl ˈtɜːrnətɪv]
a.轮流的,交替的(alternate);两者(或两者以上)择一的(offering or expressing a choice);n.二中择一;供替代的选择(something which can be chosen instead)
记 词根记忆:alter(改变状态,其他的) + native(…的) →其他的→两者择一的
例 For most commuters who use the subway system, there is no practical alternative public transportation available.
派 alternatively(ad.非此即彼;二者择一地)
altitude [ˈæltɪtuːd]
n.高度(height above sea-level)
记 词根记忆:alt(高) + itude →高度
例 The plane was flying at an altitude of 2,000 feet.
altruism [ˈæltruɪzəm]
n.利他主义,无私(unselfish devotion to the welfare of others)
记 词根记忆:altru(其他) + ism(主义) →利他主义
例 Altruism means doing good things simply because the good things are worth doing.
派 altruistic(a.利他的); altruist(n.利他主义者)
aluminum [əˈluːmɪnəm]
例 Air pollution from the giant aluminum refinery is killing our plants.
alumna [əˈlʌmnə]
n.女校友,女毕业生(a female former student of a school, college or university)
alumnus [əˈlʌmnəs]
n.男校友,男毕业生(a male former student of a school, college or university)
例 He is an alumnus of Peking University of the class of 1986.
amalgam [əˈmælgəm]
记 本义是“汞合金”,该词来自拉丁文amalgama(混合);联想记忆:am + alg + am,前后两个am结合→混合
例 amalgam of Chinese and Western medicines中西药合剂
派 amalgamate(v.合并,联合); amalgamation(n.混合,合并)
amass [əˈmæs]
v.积聚(to gather, accumulate)
记 词根记忆:a + mass(一团) →变成一团→积聚
例 While in college, John amassed a shelf of reference books.
派 amassment(n.积蓄,聚积)
amateur [ˈæmətər]
n.业余爱好者(one who practises a sport or art without receiving money for it; one who is unskilled or inexperienced in an activity)
记 词根记忆:amat(=amor爱) + eur(人) →爱好的人→业余爱好者
例 He is an amateur in boxing.
派 amateurish(a.业余爱好的;不熟练的)
amber [ˈæmbər]
n.琥珀(hard clear yellowish brown gum)
记 发音记忆:“爱不” →爱不释手的珍物→琥珀
ambiguity [ˌæmbɪ ˈgjuːəti]
记 词根记忆:ambi(绕着,在什么周围) + guity →围着什么绕来绕去→模棱两可
例 The ambiguity of the teacher's response made us realize he did not know the answer.
ambiguous [æmˈbɪgjuəs]
例 The professor gave an ambiguous answer to Jane's question.
ambitious [æmˈbɪʃəs]
a.有抱负的,雄心勃勃的(having a desire to achieve a particular goal);宏大的(an idea or plan on a large scale and needs a lot of work to be carried out successfully)
例 Over the last ten years, overcrowding in the prisons of Barraland has essentially been eliminated as a result of an ambitious program of prison construction.
派 ambitiously(ad.雄心勃勃地;热切地)
ambivalent [æmˈbɪvələnt]
a.有矛盾看法的(having or showing mixed feelings about a certain object, person or situation)
记 联想记忆:ambi(二) + val(强大) + ent →两边都有力量,不知道怎么办→有矛盾看法的
例 They are ambivalent concerning where to go on vacation.
派 ambivalence(n.矛盾心理)
同根词:valiant(a.勇敢的); valor(n.勇气)
amenable [əˈmiːnəbl]
a.(to)顺从的(tractable);易作出响应的(willing to be influenced or controlled);可按照…处理的(can be dealt according to)
例 The problem of spoilage of refrigerated food is not amenable to any solution based on design changes.
amend [əˈmend]
v.修订(to correct);改进(to improve)
记 词根记忆:a + mend(补,修) →修订
例 A theory is proposed, considered, and then amended.
amenity [əˈmenəti]
n.舒适(the quality of being pleasant or agreeable);方便设施(something that conduces to comfort, convenience, or enjoyment)
记 联想记忆:a + men(人) + ity →为人民服务→方便设施
例 Private hospitals provided services and amenities that distinguished between paying and non-paying patients.
amino acid [əˌmiːnoʊˈæsɪd]
例 Cancer can be caused by excessively rapid degradation of certain amino acids in the cytoplasm(细胞质)of cells.
amphitheater [ˈæmfɪθiːətər]
n.竞技场(a very large auditorium)
记 分拆记忆:amphi(两个) + theater(剧场) →有两个剧场那么大的场地→竞技场
例 Flavian Amphitheater弗拉维亚竞技场
ample [ˈæmpl]
a.丰富的,充足的(sufficient and adequate)
记 词根记忆:ampl(大,多) + e →充足的
例 The ample availability of land makes security of land tenure unimportant.
amplifier [ˈæmplɪfaɪər]
n. [电子]放大器,扩大器;扩音器(one that amplifies)
记 来自amplify(v.放大,扩大)
例 Although they are more temperamental and far more expensive than transistor-driven amplifiers, many audiophiles and audio professionals prefer the warmer, richer tones produced by vacuum-tube-driven amplifiers.
amplify [ˈæmplɪfaɪ]
v.增强(声音等)(to increase);详述(to expand, as a statement, by the use of detail or illustration or by closer analysis)
记 词根记忆:ampl(大) + ify(使…) →放大→增强
例 Can you amplify the sound so we can hear it better? // Could you amplify your answer a bit?.
amplitude [ˈæmplɪtuːd]
n.广度(the extent or range of a quality, property, process, or phenomenon);振幅(the extent of a vibratory movement)
记 词根记忆:ampl(大) + itude →广度
例 the sound's amplitude声域
anaerobic [ˌænəˈroʊbɪk]
a.厌氧的(occurring, or existing in the absence of oxygen)
记 词根记忆:an(不,无) + aero(空气) + bic →不要空气的→厌氧的
例 anaerobic metabolism无氧代谢
analog(ue) [ˈænəlɔːg]
n.类似物(something that is similar to something else)
记 词根记忆:ana(并列) + log →类似→类似物
例 analog recording模拟录音
派 analogous(a.类似的)
analogy [əˈnælədʒi]
n.类推;类比(comparison based on resemblance)
记 词根记忆:ana(并列) + log(说话) + y →放在一起说→类比
例 The teacher made an analogy between the lens of a camera and the lens of an eye.
同根词:prologue(n.序言); epilogue(n.后记)
analytic(al) [ˌænəˈlɪtɪk(l)]
a.分析(法)的(of or relating to analysis or analytics)
例 analytical writing分析性写作
anatomical [ˌænəˈtɑːmɪkl]
a.解剖学的(of or relating to anatomy)
记 来自anatomy(n.解剖学)
例 New genetic evidence—together with recent studies of elephants' skeletons, tusks, and other anatomical features—provide compelling support for classifying Africa's forest elephants.
anatomy [əˈnætəmi]
n.解剖(dissection);解剖学(scientific study of the structure of animal bodies)
记 词根记忆:ana(向上) + tomy(切,割) →解剖
例 The anatomy of pterosaurs' (翼龙)wings suggests that they did not evolve into the class of birds.
派 anatomic(a.解剖学的); anatomist(n.解剖学家,剖析者)
ancestor [ˈænsestər]
记 词根记忆:an(在前面) + cest(行走) + or →在前面走的人→祖先
例 Mr. Macdonald's ancestors came from Scotland.
ancestry [ˈænsestri]
n.祖先(ancestors);世系,血统(line of descent, lineage)
例 It excluded American-born citizens of Japanese ancestry from landownership. // shared ancestry and culture共有的血统和文化
anecdotal [ˌænɪkˈdoʊtl]
a.轶事的(of short, interesting stories about a real person or event)
记 来自anecdote(n.轶事)
例 There is no written or anecdotal record that Leonardo da Vinci ever painted over major areas of his Mona Lisa.
anemia [əˈniːmiə]
n.贫血(ischemia);贫血症(a condition in which the blood is deficient in red blood cells, in hemoglobin, or in total volume)
记 词根记忆:an(无) + (a)em(血) + ia →没血→贫血
例 People who inherit the sickle cell anemia gene from only one parent seem to be resistant to malaria.
anesthesia [ˌænəsˈθiːʒə]
(=美anaesthesia) n.麻醉(loss of sensation)
记 词根记忆:an(无) + esthe(感觉) + sia →无感觉→麻醉
例 Surgical patients operated on at night need less anesthesia.
同根词:anesthetic(a.麻醉的;n.麻醉剂); aesthetics(n.美学)
animate [ˈænɪmeɪt]
n.有生命的(alive);v.使有生气(to give spirit and support to);绘制(动画片) (to make or design in such a way as to create lifelike movement)
记 联想记忆:anim(生命) + ate →使图画有生命→绘制(动画片)
例 animated cartoon动画
animosity [ˌænɪ ˈmɑːsəti]
记 联想记忆:anim(生命) + osity →用整个生命去恨→憎恶,仇恨
例 Much animosity existed between the two opponents.
announce [əˈnaʊns]
v.宣布,发表(to proclaim);通报…的到来(to give notice of the arrival)
记 词根记忆:an + nounce(讲话,说出) →说出来→宣布
例 The OPEC had long been expected to announce a reduction in output to bolster sagging oil prices.
派 announcement(n.公告;发表)
announcement [əˈnaʊnsmənt]
n.宣告(the act of announcing or of being announced);公告,通告(a public notification or declaration)
记 来自announce(v.宣布;述说)
例 The following appeared in an announcement issued by the publisher of The Mercury, a weekly newspaper.
anole [əˈnəulɪ]
n.变色龙(产于美洲的蜥蜴类)(a kind of lizard with the ability to change color)
例 anole lizard species变色蜥蜴种群
anomaly [əˈnɑːməli]
n.异常,反常(deviation from the common rule)
记 联想记忆:a(不) + nomal(看作normal正常的) + y →不正常→反常
例 The test results contained anomalies that the scientists could not explain.
派 anomalous(a.异常的,不规则的)
anonymous [əˈnɑːnɪməs]
记 词根记忆:an(无) + onym(名称) + ous →无名称的→匿名的
例 An anonymous donor gave a million dollars to the charity.
answerable [ˈænsərəbl]
a. (to)应负责的(responsible)
记 来自answer(v.回答,尽责)
例 I am answerable to the company for the use of this equipment.
antagonism [ænˈtægənɪzəm]
n.对抗,敌对(opposition, hostility)
记 词根记忆:ant(反) + agon(打斗,比赛) + ism →对着打→对抗
例 Randolph helped to weaken organized labor's antagonism toward Black workers.
同根词:antagonise(v.使反抗,使敌对); antagonize(v.对抗); antagonist(n.敌手,对手)
antedate [ˌænti ˈdeɪt]
v.早于,先于(to be earlier than)
记 词根记忆:ante(前面) + date(日期) →早于,先于
例 This old carriage antedates the invention of the car.
anterior [ænˈtɪriər]
a.先前的(more forward);前面的(toward the front)
记 词根记忆:ante(前面) + rior →以前的→先前的
例 The anterior side of the turtle's shell is lighter in color.
anthropologist [ˌænθrəˈpɑːlədʒɪst]
n.人类学家(expert in the study of mankind)
记 来自anthropology(n.人类学)
例 Anthropologists once thought that the ancestors of modern humans began to walk upright because it freed their hands to use stone tools.
antibiotic [ˌæntibaɪ ˈɑːtɪk]
n.抗生素(a substance that is produced by a microorganism and is able to inhibit or kill another micro-organism)
记 词根记忆:anti(反) + bio(生命) + tic →抗生素
例 Healthy lungs produce a natural antibiotic that protects them from infection.
antibiotics [ˌæntibaɪ ˈɑːtɪks]
n.抗生素(a substance produced by or a semisynthetic substance derived from a microorganism and able in dilute solution to inhibit or kill another microorganism)
记 词根记忆:anti(对抗的) + biotic(生物的) + s →抗生素
例 Many lung infections can be treated by applying synthetic antibiotics to the airway surfaces.
antibody [ˈæntibɑːdi]
n.抗体(身体中的抗病物质)(substance formed in the blood in response to harmful bacteria and then attacks and destroys)
记 词根记忆:anti(对抗的) + body(体) →抗体
例 specific antibody特种抗体
anticipate [ænˈtɪsɪpeɪt]
v.预见,预期(to foresee)
记 词根记忆:anti(前) + cip(落下) + ate →提前落下→预见
例 A company that does not correctly anticipate the expectations of its customers is certain to fail.
派 anticipation(n.预料); unanticipated(a.未曾料到的)
antifreeze [ˈæntifriːz]
n.抗冻剂(a substance added to a liquid to lower its freezing point)
记 词根记忆:anti(对抗的) + freeze(冷冻) →抗冻剂
例 Brand X antifreeze is sold by gallons.
antiquated [ˈæntɪkweɪtɪd]
记 联想记忆:antiqu(看作antique古董) + ated →古董的→过时的
例 an antiquated theory过时的理论
antique [ænˈtiːk]
a.古时的,古老的(ancient);n.古董(an object that is old and valuable)
记 词根记忆:anti(前) + que →以前的→古时的
例 Grandma's house is filled with antique furniture. // Be careful with that bowl; it's an antique.
antiquity [ænˈtɪkwəti]
n.古代(ancient times);古物(relics or monuments of ancient times)
例 Rome under Augustus and fifth-century Athens provide the most obvious examples in antiquity.
antitrust [ˌænti ˈtrʌst]
a.反托拉斯的,反垄断的(opposing or intended to regulate business monopolies, such as trusts on cartels)
记 词根记忆:anti(反对) + trust(联合企业,托拉斯) →反托拉斯的
例 antitrust laws反垄断法
aperiodic [ˌepɪrɪ ˈɑdɪk]
a.不定期的,非周期性的(of irregular occurrence)
记 词根记忆:a(不) + period(周期) + ic →不定期的,非周期性的
例 The work of mathematician Roger Penrose in the early 1970s, on the geometry of what are called aperiodic tiles, turned out to describe the architecture of a previously unknown class of crystals.
apex [ˈeɪpeks]
n.顶点,最高点(peak; vertex)
例 The hangar is 103 feet high at the apex of its roof.
apiece [əˈpiːs]
ad.每个,每人,各(for each one, individually)
记 联想记忆:a + piece(片) →每人一片→每个,每人
例 Elena purchased brand X pens for $4.00 apiece and brand Y pens for $2.80 apiece.
apparatus [ˌæpəˈrætəs]
n.仪器,设备(device, equipment)
例 No apparatus can detect neutrinos unless it is extremely massive.
apparel [əˈpærəl]
n.衣服,服饰(clothing, garments)
记 联想记忆:appar(出现) + el →穿出来的东西→衣服
Man errs so long as he strives.
(JohannWolfgang Goethe, German poet and dramatist)