
The Social Cognitive Structure of Zhongyong

Chang Jenho Department of Psychology, Taiwan University

Huang Chinlan Division of Humanities and Social Sciences, Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Lin Yicheng Department of Psychology, Taiwan University

Abstract: The article aimed to investigate the underline social cognitive structure of zhongyong via social perception model and emotional perception model of affect. Study 1 revealed that zhongyong and social change objects had acceptable internal consistency via factor analysis and reliability analysis. Results showed that participants perceived zhongyong objects having more warmth and more competence, whereas perceived social change objects only having competence but no warmth. In addition, participants perceived zhongyong objects had higher low arousal positive emotion than high arousal positive emotion, whereas perceived social change objects had higher high arousal positive emotion than low arousal positive emotion. Study 2 revealed that high zhongyong participants perceived zhongyong objects having more warmth, competence, and low arousal positive emotion than low zhongyong participants. Implication and limitation of zhongyong perception are discussed.

Keywords: Zhongyong, Social Perception, Emotional Perception, Warmth, Competence, Low Arousal Positive Emotion