The bikes steadily picked up speed. As usual, Rahim was leading the pack.Siew Mei clung
to him. As the bike flew at great speed, she held on tightly to his waist
Her friends would ask her what it was like to sit behind Rahim.
Somehow, she could not understand how it happened. The police started gaining on them. Leaning forward, she could feel Rahim's tense body. She could also feel Rahim pressing on his bike to move faster. Then, there was a squeal
. She thought she heard Rahim's gasp. And then it was blackout.
The beauty of the night had abruptly become one of terror.
Siew Mei woke up in the hospital bed. She was wondering where she was. She looked around her. She was in a hospital bed. Then, she remembered the terror ot the night. Her parents were there at her bedside, holding her hands. They told her she had a sprained leg. She was lucky to be alive.
Her tears could not stop flowing from her swollen eyes. Her parents and the nurses tried to console
And she asked weakly, “What about Rahim? Where is Rahim? ”
Her parents told her Rahim was badly injured. He was going very fast. He did not see the big ditch His motorbike fell into the ditch.
They told her, “You were lucky. You jumped off the motorbike before it fell into the drain. But, poor Rahim did not. He hurt his legs badly in the ditch. His bike broke into pieces.”
Siew Mei heard this and cried. “What! Rahim's legs are badly injured. So, can he walk now? ”
Her mother told her, “No, he can't walk yet. He will have to be in a wheel chair for a long time.”
Siew Mei was having nightmare that night. She remembered the roar and vibration
of the engine. And then, the terror of the accident would come back again. And she would break down, crying her heart out.
She was crying for not listening to her parents. She made them so unhappy. She remembered her parents tried to warn her about the danger.
Kevin came a week later. Her half-opened eyes picked him out. He was walking towards her bed.
She asked him, “Have you heard about Rahim? ”
He answered, “Yes. We feel sorry for him. He may have to sit in the wheel chair for a long time.”
Siew Mei cried on hearing this. She said, “The police chased us.”
Kevin said, “Rahim was always the daring type. After this accident, I am not joining the hellriders any more.”
Siew Mei looked at him and nodded her head. He was doing the right thing. After an hour, Kevin left the hospital. Siew Mei walked slowly to the other ward. She saw Rahim lying in bed.
“Rahim! How are you? ”
Rahim said with tears in his eyes. “You can see how I am. I am a cripple. The doctors cut off my right leg.”
Siew Mei said firmly, “You will be all right. You can still walk on one leg. I know you can.”
But, Rahim was bitter. “But, what can I do with one leg? I can't swim, I can't play games.” And he was crying loudly this time. Siew Mei held him. They cried together.