1 体裁和目的
《中庸》的英译本The Universal Order, or Conduct of Life: a Confucian Catechism(being a translation of one of the four Confucian books, hitherto known as the Doctrine of the Mean)是在1906年出版的,但是在此之前,作为辜鸿铭的著作,先有《论语》英译本The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius(1898)。当时在横滨有一份英文报纸《日本邮报》(Japan Mail),辜鸿铭在上面发表了很多文章,向正在不断将中国殖民地化的列强传递信息,这些文章以及其他一些文章汇集而出版为《尊王篇》(Papers from a Viceroy's Yamen: a Chinese Plea for the Cause of Good Government and True Civilization in China,1901)。在《中庸》英译本出版的1906年,还刊行了论述日俄战争的《日俄战争的道德原因》(Nunc, Reges, Intelligite!The Moral Causes of the Russo-Japanese War),这也是在《日本邮报》上连载过的。[2]这些著作和译作(初版),除了英译《论语》由别发印书馆(Kelly and Walsh)出版外,全部是由《文汇报》(Shanghai Mercury)出版。
There is of course no “new learning” in all this, but what is better, there is true learning in it.The enunciation of the sense of moral obligation in some form or other is to be found in the best literature of every nation that has ever had a civilisation; and what is most remarkable, as I have shown in the notes I have appended to the translation of the text, the enunciation in the same form and language as it is in this book, written two thousand years ago, is to be found in the latest writings of the best and greatest thinkers of modern Europe.(p.x-xi)[3]
也就是说,辜鸿铭认为,通过把“两千多年以前写的这本书”(《中庸》)与“近代欧洲最高级别的思想家们最近的著作”进行对照,就能够自然地表明其为“真正的知识”。“无论古代还是近代,在欧洲文学之中,无一能够像这本小书那样,阐述道德义务或道德法则(moral law)单纯明快而直击要点,简洁无余而通俗易通”。他翻译《中庸》的目的在于让西方的(特别是英语圈的)读者理解“中国文明”是“道德的、真正的文明”(a moral and true civilisation),“Preface”最后如此做结。
In conclusion, I wish to say here that if this little book from the old learning of China will peradventure contribute to help the people of Europe and America, especially those who are now in China, to a better understanding of the “moral law,” to a clearer, and deeper sense of moral obligation, so that they will be enabled when dealing with China and the Chinese to substitute, for the spirit and attitude of the civilisation of the “gunboat” and “the mailed fist” of Europe, the moral law; in their every relation with the Chinese as individuals and as a nation, to respect and obey the sense of moral obligation-then I shall feel that I have not spent in vain the labour of many years in understanding and translating this book.(p.xi-xii)
2 马修·阿诺德(Matthew Arnold,1822—1888)
The ordinance of God(天命) is what we call the law of our being(性). To fulfill the law of our being is what we call the moral law(道). The moral law when reduced to a system is what we call religion(教).
人由于“天命”而具有的是“性”,遵从其性则是“道”,修治其道则是“教”。在英文翻译中,“天命”与ordinance of God、“性”与law of our being、“道”与moral law、“教”与religion分别对应。[5]再稍微往下看看。
When the passions, such as joy, anger, grief and pleasure, have not awakened, that is our true self or moral being(中).When these passions awaken and each and all attain due measure and degree, that is the moral order(和). Our true self or moral being is the great reality(大本 lit.great root) of existence, and moral order is the universal law(达道) in the world.
在这里,“中”与“和”被总结为“喜怒哀乐之未发=中=天下之大本”、“(喜怒哀乐)发而皆中节=和=天下之达道”,在英语译文中,“中”译为our true self or moral being,“和”译为moral order,“达道”译为universal law。
康德以来的moral law(道德法则)及其对universality(普遍性)的追问便是其一。辜鸿铭作为这本译著的卷首词,引用了康德的《实践理性批判》(1788)结语中著名的开头部分(那也是康德的墓志铭)。[6]
Two things fill the soul with always renewed and increasing wonder and admiration the oftener and more deeply one's thought is occupied with them: the starry sky above and the moral law within me!
也就是说,辜鸿铭一方面认为《中庸》是“中国文明”、“古代中国的知识”,另一方面又认为其与康德相同,用moral law这一译语来表现。moral law一语每次出场,读者大概都能够由此而听到康德——进一步说,是由康德所启发的西方的知性——的回响吧。如前所述,在“Preface”中也提到,辜鸿铭频频引用“近代欧洲最高级别的思想家们最近的著作”(还引用了不能说是“最近”的莎士比亚戏剧和《圣经》),有阿诺德、爱默生、歌德、卡莱尔、拉斯金以及托尔斯泰。[8]这里显示了,《中庸》在某种意义上来说,是这些人的思想的先行者。
“our true self”-literally our central(中)inner self, or as Mr.Matthew Arnold calls it, “the central clue in our moral being which unites us to the universal order”.Mr.Arnold also calls it our “permanent self”.Hence, the text above says, it is the root of our being.Mr.Arnold says, “All the forces and tendencies in us are like our proper central moral tendency, in themselves beneficent, but they require to be harmonised with this central (moral) tendency.”-St.Paul and Protestantism.
our true self——如字面所示,我们的中心的(“中”)、内在的自我,即马修·阿诺德所说的“使我们与宇宙秩序相通的,我们的道德性存在的,中心的线索”。阿诺德也称之为我们的“不变的自我”。因此,上面的文句是说,那是我们的存在的根本。阿诺德氏所谓:“在我们内部存在的所有的力量和倾向,和我们固有的中心的道德倾向相同,其本身是充满了慈爱的,但是,还有必要和这个中心的(道德的)倾向相互调和。”(《圣保罗和清教主义》)
在马修·阿诺德的《圣保罗和清教主义》之中,的确频频出现moral law, moral order, universal order, our moral being, universal moral order, moral sense, law of our being等语句。前面作为“性”的译语出现的law of our being、“中”的译语our moral being以及“和”的译语moral order,还有第16章(通常是第20章)和第25章的“仁”的译语moral sense,应该都是来自于阿诺德。另外,“中庸”一词的译语虽然并非固定不变(请参考下一节),在第7章译为true central clue and balance in their moral being,在第8章和第9章译为central clue in his moral being,显然用的是阿诺德的词汇。不正是这里的central一语,作为“中”的对应词,使辜鸿铭意识到《中庸》和这个地方的亲近性吗?进一步的,作为书名的《中庸》也是The Universal Order, or Conduct of Life。[9]
In modern days the Christian Missionaries say that Confucianism is not a religion because it has no abstruse theory such as the Christian dogma of the Trinity, or the Godhead of the Eternal Son.“But surely,” says Mr.Matthew Arnold, “if there be anything with which metaphysics have nothing to do, and where a plain man without skill to walk in the arduous paths of abstruse reasoning may find himself at home, it is religion.For the object of religion is conduct; and conduct is really, however men may overlay it with philosophical disquisitions, the simplest thing in the world.” Indeed, the greatness of Confucius as a true religious teacher lies even in this: that his teaching contains no abstruse “ism” and it insists not upon any singular theory of living, but upon the simple doing of plain ordinary duties of every day life.
阿诺德有部著作名《美国演讲集》(Discourses in America,1885),其中的一篇《爱默生》(Emerson),列举他在牛津大学学习期间受到其影响的人物,有纽曼、卡莱尔、歌德、爱默生等。以下将会看到,阿诺德和辜鸿铭有着共同的文化,熟悉同样的文本。[10]