It is known that both the number of patients and the healthcare costs related to chronic diseases account for about two-thirds of the total medical market in China, which led to difficulty and high cost in getting medical treatment. For a long time, the medical community was also perplexed by the difficulty and prolonged process of treatment as well as persistent relapse associated with chronic diseases. Numerous medical workers have made a great efforts and contributions to change this situation, but with few breakthroughs. It seems that this may be due to the lack of breakthroughs on the understanding of the pathogenesis of chronic diseases.
This book reexamines the formation mechanism of chronic disease with integrative thinking, and recognizes in practice that in addition to the presence of a sensible focus through diagnosis, there exists at least one hidden lesion that is directly related to it. Hidden lesions are often caused by the blockage of peripheral nerve conduction. They tend to be the predisposing factors for the development of sensible foci, and hinder the rehabilitation of the sensible lesions. Simultaneous treatment of the sensible foci and hidden lesions is probably beneficial to change the treatment situation of difficulty and prolonged process of most chronic diseases except the ones listed in the book and those with particularly complex etiology.
Despite the fact that the theory and practice are still immature, I chose to have this work published in order to provide the public an opportunity to examine it and stimulate the medical community to innovate the understanding of the new concepts and novel clinical treatment methods of chronic diseases.
Historical experience has shown that the inception of a new theory and the acceptance of new concept and idea by most people rarely run smoothly. It applies to natural sciences as well as philosophy and social sciences. I think this new concept, i.e. for majority of chronic diseases, there exist both hidden lesion and sensible focus, will be of no exception. In fact, gestating and occurring in contradiction, and growing and perfecting through competition are the basic laws of the initiation and development of new things/ideas.
My knowledge and experience are rather limited, some of the viewpoints expressed in this book are inevitably flawed, and evidences and demonstrations included are most likely insufficient. I earnestly request the readers feel free to make any comments or share any enlightening thoughts.
August 2015 in Shenzhen