Creating a plan for asset classification
Classifying the asset into different levels helps the organization to protect the asset properly. Assets are classified based on factors such as confidentiality in distributing the asset, the value of the asset, how time-sensitive the asset is, access right provide to access the assets, and whether the asset can be destroyed if necessary.
Governmental classification of assets based on the preceding criteria is as follows:
- Unclassified: This is the lowest of the security classifications. This type of data is not too sensitive and it can be shared with anyone.
- Confidential: In this classification, the data can be sensitive, private, proprietary, or valuable. Disclosure of these files can cause serious problems for the organization's security.
- Secret: This classification is for information that is very restricted. These files are not to be disclosed, if they are, this can have a huge effect on the security.
- Top Secret: This is for information/files that need the highest level of protection. These files cannot be disclosed outside the organization.
- Sensitive: This classification defined who has access to it Whether is the general public, internet employees in an organization or just the senior management team. These files cannot be disclosed outside the organization.