- Write a program to check if a number is odd or even (hint: find the modulus of the number by 2, and if the modulus is equal to 1, then the number is even; else the number is odd).
- Take inputs of three variables (Name, Age, and Email) from a user. If the age is greater than 20, print all the variables. If the age is equal to or less than 20, print "Sorry! You are not allowed!".
- Take an input of three integers and print the largest integer (hint: follow the previous example)
- Take the input of the marks of a student (four subjects) and find his GPA (hint: take variables as float; use if conditions to find the GPA of a subject; then add all the GPAs, pide the total with the total number of subjects, and print the value).
- Define the days of a week from 1 to 7. Take an input of the day number, and if the day number is odd, print "Have a lovely day;" if the day number is even, print "It is a lovely day!"