Updating up the deployment share
Next we're going to walk through updating the deployment share. Right-click on the reference share that we've just set up, and select Update Deployment Share:

The Update Deployment Share Wizard dialog box will appear, as shown in the following image:

The defaults, as shown in the previous image, are fine here. You will typically only select the compress checkbox when you have retired a model of hardware and want to reclaim this driver whitespace out of the WinPE build. If you don't do this, it'll be consumed as you add newer drivers to the WinPE image. Click on Next.
Automatic boot media creation
In the following screenshot of the Progress screen, MDT indicates that no existing boot image exists, so it is creating a new image. This is correct and expected. After you have created boot media once, and a change is made that requires a media rebuild, the verbiage will be different, but it has the same type of indication that something has changed and an update to the media is needed. Note that it is updating x86 here; it'll update x64 later. If you had unchecked one of the architectures, it would only update the one selected here:

After the process is complete, you should be rewarded with boot media, as shown in the following screenshot:

Note that we have WIM and ISO format files, so we can use these in WDS or mount the ISO to a virtual machine (which is the plan in this book), or even write the ISO to a USB stick or CD/DVD for boot media.