Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2013 is a lightweight task sequencing environment and has a well-established community of IT professionals that use it. It's fully supported by Microsoft and is available for free.
"Q: Why is it still "MDT 2013" when the year is almost 2016? Two primary reasons. First, we have only made minor changes to MDT which in our opinion does not constitute a major version revision. Second, per the MDT support lifecycle, a new major version will drop support for MDT 2012 Update 1 which still supports legacy platforms." |
--Aaron Czechowski, Senior Program Manager |
With its support for Windows 7 and higher versions, including Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008 R2 and higher versions, it is the ideal tool for golden image creation and image deployment. This article will help you understand the important imaging techniques and build up your own MDT 2013 environment.