第81章 29th April,1837
To the Rev.A.Brandram (ENDORSED:recd.May 13,1837)[MADRID,29APRIL,1837].
REVD.AND DEAR SIR,-Do me the favour after reading the enclosed letter,and making what use of it you please,to seal it,pay the postage,and despatch it to Russia.It contains all I have at present to say,and is as much intended for yourself,as for the person to whom it is directed.I leave Madrid in about three days,and it is my intention to write frequently whilst upon my journey;but should few letters reach you,be not surprised,but attribute it to the state of the country,which is terrible indeed.I am first going to Salamanca,by the pass of the Guadarama;from thence to Burgos;then to the Asturias,Galicia,and Biscay,and along the whole chain of the Pyrenees.
Some hundreds of our books have been placed in the hands of a bookseller at Madrid,and I have ordered them to be advertised,once a week,in the principal journals.Dr.Usoz and another friend will do what they can in my absence.
To-morrow I send the bill of my expenses;it would have been despatched sooner,but I could not obtain my account from Mr.
I remain,Revd.and dear Sir,most faithfully yours,G.BORROW.
P.S.-My best remembrances to Mr.Jowett,Mr.Browne,and all my friends.