第82章 29th April,1837(1)
To Mr.John Hasfeldt MADRID,29APRIL,1837.
I RECEIVED your letter of last January a few weeks since,and Isincerely hope that mine of February may have reached your hands.
The principal reason of my taking up the pen at present is the long and adventurous journey which I am about to engage in,and which Iam afraid will preclude the possibility of my writing to you for some months.In a few days I quit Madrid,it being my intention to visit the mountainous districts of Spain,particularly Galicia and the Basque Provinces,for the purpose of disposing of part of the edition of the New Testament in Spanish,lately completed at Madrid,under my superintendence.It was my intention to have set out sooner,but the state of the weather has been such that Ithought it more prudent to defer my departure;during the last two months violent and bitter winds have blown without ceasing,before whose baneful influence animal and vegetable nature seems to have quailed.I was myself,during a fortnight,prostrated,body and limb,by a violent attack of LA GRIPPE,or,as it is styled in English,the 'influenza.'I am,however,by the blessing of the Almighty,perfectly recovered and enjoying excellent spirits,but multitudes less favoured have perished,especially the poor.
I expect to be absent on my journey about five months,when,if Iam spared,not having fallen a prey to sickness,Carlists,banditti,or wild beasts,I shall return to Madrid for the purpose of carrying through the press my own translation of the Gospel of St.Luke in the language of the Spanish Gypsies,and also the same Gospel in Cantabrian or Basque,executed by the domestic physician of the Marquis of Salvatierra.What I am destined to do subsequently I know not;but I should wish to visit China by a land journey,either through Russia,or by Constantinople [and]Armenia as far as the Indian Gulf;as it is my opinion that,with God's permission,I might sow some seed by the way which might in time yield a good harvest.
Speaking of these matters reminds me that in your next letter (written in your usual choice Danish)you might send me some useful information respecting what might be done in Russia.Do you think permission might be obtained to print the New Testament in Russ,and that the Russian Hierarchy would be inclined to offer any serious opposition?I wish you would speak to Gretsch on the subject,to whom you will,as usual,present my kindest remembrances.I believe you are acquainted with Mrs.Biller,but if not,you would confer a great favour upon me by calling on her,and requesting her opinion,as she is better acquainted than perhaps any person in Russia with the course to be pursued if the attempt were to be hazarded.Perhaps at the same time you will enquire of her as to what has become of my translation into Russ of the second and third Homilies which I left with her,and whether license to print has been obtained.If not,I should wish that energetic steps be taken to that effect,and as you are an energetic person,and she may possibly have too many important affairs upon her hands,I pray you to take the matter up,but at all events to follow her advice;pray remember me to her likewise.